-6 C
New York

    Comfort zone killer


    are unpopular. I'm saved by a certain charm and kindness that keeps the ladies in particular believing in me. I get on well with the short men...

    It takes someone who has a little


    fucked up the brain, but they are as rare as the brood of toxics drowns out everything. And doing magic and/or saving worlds is also likeable, it is a little dystopian and yet invites you to have afternoon tea with a cuddle factor.

    But the Venus flytrap of kindness, like the deliberate projection of the angry in the mirror of themselves, is only one of the many strategies behind it, behind which is that fact-based authenticity that cannot be certified, but simply strives to build the well-known Better Future in a relaxed and sober manner by getting to the bottom of things. 

    The Scrolls of It's the End of the Fucking World

    The shamanic soul

    which some people inject into me does not exist, of course, antediluvian as it is, romantic, but stupid for hygienic reasons.

    Maybe we are also controlled by the microbiome that controls us from our gut. Or at least has a controversial influence. But all these miracles do not require a mythologized reality, no flood of premonitions:

    Be suspicious of men who slaughter goats instead of staring at them. And women too, of course.

    And animals are just as free from cuddly nonsense. They are what they are and what appears useful and consequentially smart across generations in their environment is helpful. Opportunists. Likewise, vegan, vegetarian, all of that is a stupid discussion.

    Some things should be taken from intellectual development, because our developed sections of society are already occupied with the right things. But fanaticism of every variety seems to be a simplification adopted from the wrong era in order to avoid having to occupy oneself.

    A passion is not a narcissistic monoculture, it thrives in multilateralism, all true creation and work is something that arises from the courage to face one's adversities and responsibilities, one's better existence. Single-celled organisms are out.

    Basically understandable problems when you consider the fact that there is only one life and the whole lying afterlife nonsense was like putting a lid on a pot. Who shouldn't take what they can when they only have one of them? The death of God is necessary, but requires accompanying therapeutic measures.

    This is where cooperation comes into play, the common good. The greatest collective planetary benefit.

    Lots for everyone.

    Oh, are we waking up, airhead?

    No, nobody said there were more pumped-up relegators or shoulder pads for the green hedge knight down the rabbit hole.

    The structures of the discourse

    should not be determined by the structures of the discourse.

    Every organization, from a tree to a corporation, from a virus to behavioral therapy, has a kind of built-in instinct for self-preservation that draws its meaning from persuasion and fertilization, or from parasitism and exploitation, but always from interaction. The ability to reflect is not a desired characteristic of the majority. 

    Reality is our agreement. When it was canceled, nonreality began to unfold. Old constructs raged due to the aforementioned instinct for self-preservation. A millennia-long transformation process of the biosphere began. 

    As a comfort zone killer, I am available to provide mentorship and assistance to private individuals and complex structures of all kinds. Energy exchange and alternative economic interactions are preferred. The imagination is not a wish concert, but also not a garbage dump or a private zoo of obsessed owners. 


    and action based on the best available scientific facts and data in harmony with global free spirit and growth as a positive basis for discourse for the development and implementation of network-compatible strategies. On a small and large scale. 

    And it scares many more than just the toxic people when they are confronted with the fact that they have always wallowed in the exact opposite. The good news is that all of this has been going on for a long time. We are on a mostly happy path.

    People are not monsters by nature, but they make each other into monsters. But there is also the other conception, and this one is beginning to develop a power and glory through the worldwide individual liberation from old structures, despite the degenerating birth pangs, which will wash us all into an amazing, miraculous world and sometimes provide therapy. 

    The offerings of this site and my networks are aimed at promoting these positive processes and, wherever possible, to accelerate them. But none of this is to confirm preconceived ideologies or opinions; this approach is for the left, the right or whatever norm adheres to, and not one that is worth recommending. 

    Change Making and Change Consulting

    And finally, this may seem all too shamanic and romanticized. But readers, sponsors and customers need not worry, nothing is further from my mind than our own poetic preferences. And contradictions usually resolve themselves at higher levels. 

    Anything in a Nutshell is a project with an open ending, an outrageously dazzling cabinet of curiosities that steamed out of the hatter's workshop and other projects, shape-shifting like the fictional characters of the Alienbunnygod or the Cheshire Cat Collective or the Loki Brand from Evolution. But it is also a serious, serious, sometimes almost wildly loving attempt to set a positive initiative in the flow of history. Even Aimagick and the details associated with it are a logical development, a joy beyond compare.

    Everything else is almost always

    A question of the butterfly

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