-6 C
New York

    Coming out


    “The interesting question, Mad, er, excuse me, BunnyGod, are you an alien?”

    "Well, Alice, er, excuse me, Alice in Transition, yes I am an alien, a kind of reporter, but also a bit more, I have been here for a long time, so, yes, I travel the Megaverse, and somehow I am interested in this planet, its wonderland, like a sociologist who interacts with different social classes, well, we are mostly everything, we are just Megaverse. None of us are somehow turned on by being something, how boring I always hear when I report on your addiction to this. The worrying addiction to being "

    But more out of indulgent smile

    whereby we are also galactically outraged at how perverse
    How immoral and disgusting much of what is happening in this primitive DNA civilization.

    Some are even considering prematurely terminating your existence, some want to preserve parts of the non-human biosphere, many insist on being enclosed in a small sector of the star, no one can imagine unleashing this insanity on the megaverse. You consider Elon Musk to be intelligent and he is the richest person on earth!!!

    Until it's clear what's going to happen to you, you'll amuse yourself with your bizarre behavior. It's like when you see someone on the street pulling down their pants and sticking their ass out. Disgusting, but you can hardly look away.

    I address this in phases in my work.”

    “Okay, honey, yes, that is pretty rad material, I really believe you, babe, no question about it, but I'm steaming, what the fuck, can you just show a little consideration for your poor old Alice, we've been on amazing for so long, a little more normal wonder stuff chatter would have been enough. “

    My dear Alice, I mean, what did you or the people on the surface imagine, I mean, at the latest when they calculated how many civilizations there would have to be in THIS ONE(!) universe based on their own expectations and their level of scientific knowledge.

    And then when they found more and more exoplanets that were getting closer and closer, where even their banal 4-letter DNA life was considered possible, well, why didn't anyone think of the obvious, except for a few who were quickly labeled freaks."

    Yes, yes, oh, you're so crazy, if you didn't exist, I would invent you.

    The Cheshire Cats came back from the Dark Room.

    Oh man, they're all so horny and scary here.

    It's like on Earth, general heat but hardly any intelligent tomcats. Josefine is the one who calls things in Viennese dialect.

    Don't you want to finally introduce me to the incomparable Hatter, Love? We are all one big happy share and care family.

    “And where exactly are you from out there?”

    I was abandoned as a baby. It was pretty Moses-like.

    “Holy shit, I’m kind of glad Lewis isn’t around to see this.”

    Well, I have another surprise for you, Alice.

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