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New York

    Impossible Things


    As a small gesture of attention to the origins, to the Wonderland thing, after a short sleep and in the brightest of spring mornings, we devote ourselves to a popular pastime while we wait for the library to open: Inventing impossible things, believing in.

    Like Jocye, we want to indulge in language play, and like any sensible Chinese speaker, meaning and emphasis are about meaning and emphasis.

    I'm tying a knot or two in my handkerchief, for example that one should mention the clever corporate tactics with which the common good is undermined in the interests of commerce. Copyright, like patenting genes, is intended to be tied to something forever, with good, cunning lobbying to absurd deadlines which are only intended to be a camouflage for eternity.

    This was the answer to the question I asked myself when Disney's Mickey Man would be copyright free. It was easy to discover that copyright is company law and that revenues are mostly company-related, with the artists themselves receiving barely 5-10 percent. But the Robin Hoods of this world must finally learn to differentiate. We pile up mountains of facts, forget about analysis and suffer from complexity.

    And there is a method to the verification of this exaggeration of rights by a minority, but we are in a competing economic system of warring nationalities, let's exploit it, in a thousand ways, we do it where it makes the most sense, we are the true globalists, we are free unicorns and bohemians of all sides. And please don't always let greed win and become the trash that we are fighting against.

    Attentive readers, who of course will only be here in a few months, and this could then get lost in the mass, will in any case be aware that my multiplicity, who calls himself a free-willed little thing, what kind of EiderDaus, well, whatever I am, I am also a microbiome, or am I even the microbiome and is the rest that cheekily leaves the body a vehicle?

    Are human beings my companions?

    as some regions and traditions have always suspected.

    Unlikely but worth thinking about. My multiples have recently had problems with seborrhoeic eczema, and Dahlke is not the only one who knows the connection with contact issues and skin as a mirror of the soul. But he has no idea about modern magic.

    Maybe he does, he doesn't live far, I'll go and ask him. Not finding someone likeable is a sign that you should go there. And what the guy did with my mother's breasts was my first encounter with the power of audio recordings and trance journeys, one of my first.

    This brings us to the impossible things. I imagine that our consciousness is a microbiome consciousness, that one of the bacteria or viruses makes the crucial difference between unconscious humanity as it was and as it is today. That we are only what we are because we live in symbiosis with a thinking biome.

    And that this, to explain what happened in the last 10,000 to 20,000 years, what started to make a difference, came to us from space.

    So it would be better to start the day by saying that we are a bacterial something that fertilizes the entire cosmos and that consciousness is not a human characteristic. You can see this again and again in unconscious or questionable behavioral patterns due to inadequate leadership and programming.

    Well, the aliens are ourselves, I always assume, but with the slowly discovered concept of the microbiome, this theory reaches status B. Whatever could be status A. How else can we explain all the myths that we were visited by aliens who tinkered with our genes?

    And when we look at the Gliese system today, we discover our ancestors, and this whole absurdity of the imagination, what does it say other than that we are tapping into something, letting something into ourselves that tells us about what is, beyond where we think we are.  

    I think we are on the way to a single planet, where regional self-government based on subcultural differences supported by central artificial intelligence will lead to a kind of crowd democracy of city states and municipalities in coexistence with a few nationalistic superstates and mega companies, creating a relaxed zone of coexistence worldwide. In the long term, colorful diversity is always superior to uniformity.

    I believe that our technological achievements and the science that creates knowledge will create an amazing paradise, where the old backward-looking ideology and consolation as a regulatory mechanism to organize people will soon be so absurd and unreasonable that even the greatest representatives of these approaches will slowly disappear with their leaden handicaps in mind and body as if they were only the first attempts of a worthy ambassador of this wonderful and lovable


    on which we were invited to live.

    I believe that we are the gods of the future, that we have gradually transformed everything that we have created in myths and stories, in ideas and fantasies since the beginning of time into real life, and that is how it will be with the concept of God, with all its consequences, but also the fertile beauty that lies behind it and whispers seductively.

    I believe that we ourselves will create Olympus and Eden, Asgard and whatever, maybe even Mordor and Middle Earth, not just in our imagination, that we, and we are in good company in this, will populate the galaxy, the universe, the multiverses, filling them with these visions that we created in our childhood days on Earth, I believe that all of this was just the beginning of a much larger, much more comprehensive reality.

    Because as we penetrate into space, we penetrate into the smallest details, we travel through the cells of our body, the quantum pathways of matter, its dark counterpart, we will colonize, research, understand and shape both micro and macrocosm to an extent that is not yet foreseeable.

    We will go even further, we will leave the material basis of all this, we will manage to gain access to dimensions that have so far only been apparent in art, but which are becoming reality, which are expressed in the first delicate experiments in virtuality but which still prove to be somewhat rudimentary.

    While others devote themselves to the idea of uploading without grasping the true consequences of mixing these two phenomena. I believe that in the near future we will be able to be immortal in various ways, I believe that my generation and the next will produce the first immortals, that there is not just one way to do this, but that people will find many.

    That our best artists create digital universes in which people are willing to live, first as a response to death, then populated by volunteers because they are more attractive than an attractive but limited Earth.

    And there will be a return, there will be no all-encompassing bliss, but there will be a fantastic tomorrow, a human flowering of civilization such as has never been able to exist ubiquitously before.

    We are not immune to mistakes or nonsense, but I believe that we are the seed of something extraordinary and could be much more than previously imagined

    I believe that we are already embedded in this galactic exploration and discovery, that we are not only not alone, but that the universe has long been communicating with us in quite contradictory ways, that we are under observation, that first contact has long since been made, that some of us may not be of earthly origin, that what is happening now is the beginning of something we cannot even imagine, the gene or biotechnology, robotics, software engineering, whatever, the list would go beyond the scope of this article.

    I believe that we have crossed some kind of invisible line of the fantastic, have reached or will soon reach a critical mass, never before on this planet have there been anywhere near such a large number of artists, scientists, free thinkers, entrepreneurs, the eternal control of the individual and his millennia-long regulation and exploitation by an imaginary and egotistically hedonistic and networked elite is about to break up, filling the sands of time with its uselessness.

    She struggles, she lies and cheats, desperately trying to keep her breath in power, but I believe that these birth pangs of civilization had to be dirty and bizarre, but have nothing to do with the society of the future, in which flashpoints will be memories that are easily erased, and we can find and live a balance of mindful striving out into the multiverse.  

    Yes, I believe all of that for breakfast today and I'm turning Impossible Things into Possible Swings, simply because I like it so much.

    But faith is my joy, faith means knowledge, faith is the stupidity of grinning and kissing someone stupid.

    Yoda’s last sentence

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