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    Activism is an Act of Wisdom

    After years like the last ones from Friday for Future to BLM and the Covid or lateral thinker failure, more current and intense than ever, as an article...

    Life is awesome

    The drone doesn't miss a story, it has arrived in planetary social media storytelling, such as the streamable Chameleon II, which adapts its color to the background,...

    Midlife Chang(c)es

    shows more than any other version of my topics my own weaknesses and disadvantages but also how to overcome them. It is probably...

    Fet Life

    ist ein Teilaspekt. Hier beginne ich meine Sexualität neu zu vernetzen, auch wenn ich phasenweise von all den Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten sexueller Vielfalt überrascht bin, es...

    Sun First

    I am a sticky puppy and call myself Bohemian Wolf, and Wu Wei is so out. Actually, I practice interval fasting today

    Multiverse Success Producer

    And I have long since become an active Human Design engineer? For example with the Magic Suite and probably especially with the Multiverse Success...

    Ancient Desires

    Sie lag ihm ihren zartbraunen Dschungelkörper aus der Perspektive der Verlockung präsentierend in die andere ihm entgegengesetzte Richtung des Bettes ausgestreckt so greifbar nahe,...

    Modelling in Perfection

    I'm just fascinated by the fascinating idea of some of the people mentioned/admired here, such as Jane Goodall, Elon Musk and Philip K. Dick, but there are...

    How to multiply your life

    Good morning, it is a bit under-air-conditioned here, but I was hoping for summer, 28 degrees is probably a little foretaste, unfortunately too...

    The Essence of Fickend Froh

    Hola, my closest. I can tell you, I can talk you into it, I can calculate my best hour for you, now that you are in the fog of...

    Coming out

    " The interesting question, Mad, er, excuse me, BunnyGod, are you an alien? " " Well, Alice, er, excuse me, Alice in Transition, yes I am...

    That was just what I wanted, now I don't want it any more

    Been in the lane for a while, dreaming up a completely new text, even if the revisions of the old ones and distribution to the various blogs...

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