dominated the last few days in excess. I came back as if from a real workshop, I practically disappeared into the DVD recording of the Named One from 2005 in Berlin, a kind of time travel, a kind of advanced binge watching and only difficult to grasp because I really packed myself up and focused between the hotel room and the 4 days of workshop, which hardly seems to be noticeable in my current urban monk lifestyle, but that is another wailing wall chatter on other glands.
I feel like after a strenuous
Weekend with Isabella
As after these, I feel the need to catch up on a few things, to catch up with myself again, as I call it. Both variants are natural and will alternate more often, and I also notice how much I love this learning and studying state of the withdrawn artist and consciousness researcher, even though the outside, the strange, the new and the tempting calls to me and large parts of me long for it.
But there are internal priority lists, memory palace structures that I have only just gained access to, locked doors in the command center marked Top Secret.
And when I am immediately in the story, in a visual and kinesthetic representation of what began as a metaphor and becomes touching on reality through the art of writing, in the broadest sense simply through language, then this has unexpected but meaningful reasons.
One of my easiest agreements, ABOUT - INCOME, the gift one could say to mention one of the first movies with significance from PRE-COVID, is the ability to put into words what I mentally or however experience and recognize, explore or am told.
I am also able to adapt hypnotically and my ambitions to become a direction trainer and coach will require many more of these workshop weekends.
But really no ambitions to make the same bullshit to find young friends Chris 😛
However, I should also create better organization and planning, better mind maps and constructions in and around myself, which give me the joy that is necessary to dance at all these weddings with motivation and commitment.
First machines
have already been built for this purpose. Living Easy Machines, so to speak, is the concept behind it and is integrated into my own system.
As with the more detailed and specific audio tapes that I have in mind, the potential that lies in such trance works and programming files is almost infinite. I look at the master thief Richard Bandler, whose web presence seems surprisingly banal and weak, his charisma is also photoshopped and he seems like an outdated fringe (joke) figure, which really surprises me.
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But I model him and Mr. Mulzer with the same victorious cheek that gives them a lucrative life. And I take Mr. Ferriss, who offers even less of his own CREATIVE output and only lives by interviewing, outsourcing and copying, into this boat.
Acquiring skills does not contradict these intentions; as we are beginning to understand, learning through imitation is an important part of our neuronal evolution, with brain-friendly learning being another important topic.
If something positive and powerful for Living Easy and/or Modern Magic emerges from this, it must be practical, easy to understand and pragmatically sensible to apply.
And I also model some other personalities like Robert Anton Wilson or more modern, contemporary success figures.
But I also like to push into gaps, the positive power of criticism as a driving force for change.
Upgrade, transformation blues, emergence, these are all words for this process. When you look at the amateurish sloppiness that lies behind Mulzer's sometimes masterful words and psychological games, although they are far from transforming provincial Berlin into modern Berlin, you can see the potential behind it.
The packaging is subpar, the contents are accessible to far too few people and limited to sensation seeking junkies and young Romans.
I'm teasing here, it occurs to me that nothing is really described or explained, well, come to the book, come to the 1to1, but even that would only be a lukewarm amusement of what counts. A self-responsible design of the mental being. Machines or ghosts, exaggerated self-images or bought opinions, basically we live in a game that is less cosmic than comic.
Which makes Mulzer's workshops three- or four-edged, but does not change the fact that we should build independent brilliance for good and evil alike through reflection and interpretation for the sake of our own thinking.
Away from the cheap seats, knowledge happens. That's where all the religious warriors and benders fail.
Today I'm building an Automatic Bubble Terror Bird.