In this way, hatmaking has to relax and reinvent itself, from community project to single drooling back to community project, because the egomaniacal narcissistic self has created new retreats, responsibilities, art attacks, which is also thanks to the incubator principle, here a lot changes with the departure of the best and most sustainable subblogs, depending on what new(m) will come into question, a stronger reorganisation is possible and sensible.
The last two years have blocked and thwarted the deeper meaning and purpose, the millinery is what perfectly described in the header and no longer wants to see itself responsible for everything, a profound, crazy
Common good artwork and hub for diversity

in a naughty and nice way.
She needs comrades-in-arms, dancers and dreamers, smart, chilled and courageous, also wild and angry, but that can be better clarified in Sherwood Forest.
Travel restrictions, stupidity and desolation are slowly seeping away and in 2022/23 authentic resistance to being mainstream is possible again and wellbeeing senseful. Tea party time, slowly prepare your candidature for the next European elections.
So more and more shifts to other adventures or to the Rabbit Hole, it becomes more precise and overhauled, the Bunnygod, for example, will be able to live out even better in Milkyway Today and is like a rabbit teasing and luring everywhere, rarely white, but that's another smile.
Milkyway is becoming the perfect satire that is always assumed to be behind it, while real politics is moving more and more into the Daily Doses of Perception, which are turning out to be crossover newsletters. And in which the creator wants to be taken more seriously, part of the bubble he is fighting here. And even that must be seen as a cosmic joke and counter-therapy.
It is simply natural that everything bends and moulds itself, the millinery is beautiful in itself and has its own intentions and goals, the vision is well explained, it should not be lost in a watered-down form.
Some others, on the other hand, remain complexly interwoven and yet, like slowly growing children, are independent topics and projects that feed on themselves.
A lot of it came out of the predicaments and changes that Covid took to extremes, so the Notes title is apt, their files are just their obvious workout. It happened, there's just sometimes a "do it inside" sent along the way but honestly I am unsecure like never before about results and lore.
Graz am Meer, for example, moved unintentionally but more into the focus in its independent local clorit, always conceived as Blog/magazine/book, understandable if the Mindful Traveller was so neutered waiting for better times. And at the same time, the sea in Graz suddenly becomes highly topical, as if realising where this came from internally.
In addition, the author of these lines is a self-absorbed individual who not only strives for polyfidelic diversity in rampant kinky cosplay and activism, but is simply interested in successful individual assertion.
And the more intensively the ideas that are moving out are striving towards their own maturity tests, the more clearly the need to feel, improve and strengthen hat-making itself again, to allow brand and vision to unfold their wonderful energies.

is the year of the panties hanging from a high-heeled shoe in Wunderland Horrorkop.
The possibilities are determined by the possibilities and become acts of absurd theatre and border-crossing fed by sulky longing.
The network around the Out of the Box Agency and many other cross-connections is still degenerating. One sentence produces more unexpected connections than can be good for anyone. And yet, the murkiness is still on board, the Friends of Ganesha lurches until it can really be bought.
In an editorial for Graz am Meer that was only completed yesterday, my more harmless self expresses a similar thought, almost like a challenge to Graz and the region as to what is possible there.
It's not about pushing through an idea that has gone completely off the rails, but rather about mating with the horror or inspiration that has been triggered.
The millinery (also a Snoopy prescriber) is hungry for an exchange of energy, it is in heat and ready. Even if I still have doubts here and there, there are UFOs on the horizon.
The naked bus driver drives the holidaymakers directly over the edge of the plate, amnesias often fall into lower levels, they simply continue where they are dropped off, usually with the same thing.
There are Kickstarters, real and internal in these last weeks and months.
Eternity, for example, has created Big Influence with its own Travels. Gran Canaria as an important, previously overlooked option.
The nomadism of all projects is allowed back into reality. Even Living Easy is back in the canon. And no, this doesn't want to degenerate into NFTs, not all that glitters is gold out there.
Creator Notes are needed in every corner, in the millinery as a concrete medium and offline adventure, it is a benefit to have already prepared and designed a great deal by 2020.
It can be finely honed for marketing and presentation. The last time the Bunnygod came across the Fuck for Forest documentary from 2013, it was not only an ironic ahaze and enthusiastic adoration, but also a finger in the pie of his own project. The Obsessions were beaming with Loki in a warmly loving bet.
A Bulgarian couple wanted to adopt him. Too much drama on the very first day. But there is a touching consistency in everything that has happened, you don't need fate, meaning or gods beyond your own permission.
The millinery was created in a perfect flow and is now returning in the best possible version. While other parts of the truth are desperately scratching at the exit door without being sure which one they are on, the majority are convinced that they can, perhaps even have to, take a fresh start.
Clean-up work

are necessary and happen. The next Arnulf Rainer phase breaks in the twilight.
There is also much to improve Behind the Mirror, some now independents are in truth only accessible via the Rabbit Hole, but it must also be recognised that there is secular homework to be done, that there needs to be an idealistic and a fiscal approach.
Co-creators, investors and supporters.
Primarily about modern crowd-based ideas. So nothing new in the Uber. And it's also very much about pushing out the stuck pause button, the pandemic had important functions and even now in the Omikron shoulder shrug of the world is a flippant question mark scavenger hunt, but now adaptable to millinery for the first time.
It's time to hit the road again.
At the moment the design, structure and homepage are being reworked, things we have grown fond of could be sacrificed as one of the best advantages of not achieving goals so far is that nobody knows them and can judge them.
The memberships and the shop are Foki. And what happened to Toxic Boy and the Incel version 🙂 ?
Incidentally, the Bunnygod is delighted with the Madhatter's new home, but that's another folly. Artificial figures wherever you look, even if some presume to possess spiritual reality.
All of this flows into the species.
Over time, despite its imaginary components and hopeless add-ons, millinery has helped to create its own world of language and imagery, a new mythology of mythology.
Much is still under discussion, but in the creative high phase of the project something emerged as if of its own accord, which has since continued in various incarnations and still pulsates like magma from within.
There are hat makers on every street corner, even in Graz, even if they are only partially aware of it. Perhaps we have lost too much of the Big Think, which we always intended to counteract. The Covid times are proving to be lava, fertile ground for new blooms.
It would be desirable to turn our society's obsession to a more colourful, cheerful subject. In this mindset, millinery was never the point, always something for the nerds and a kind of Family without Mansions End.
The colourful but not completely detached Finca Home is still the most welcome association, with important updates happening all the time. For example, a slightly less hedonistic Digital Nomad Tribe variant with the Living Easy concept as Rent 20 Homes for 40 Peoples around the Planet.
It is not yet clear how many Russian dolls are in the millinery, but perhaps it is all part of a reality game?
At the moment whoever I am is looking for a new core, the old one was lost before I tasted it enough on the road, it's also amazing how much narcissism is proving to be a problem in nerd heaven, too much ego in being egotistical.
The shadow of alternative life is pure embarrassing bourgeoisie in action and treatment. Jung would have taken great pleasure in being different today.
This may sound disillusioned, but it is imbued with a great deal of love for all these magical tempters, it is a collective tugging at the rope of change.
Hutmachern remains the centre of attention. Even if it is no longer the centre of events until space-time bends differently again.
It was important to put this in writing. And let's be honest :
Everything ultimately comes together on the beach.